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28 • 2025
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Challenge Day: Sports Practice Incentive Campaign Reaches its 30th Edition

Challenge Day: Sports Practice Incentive Campaign Reaches its 30th Edition

Foto: Matheus José Maria

On May 29th, the Challenge Day 2024 takes place. The campaign, which this year reaches its 30th edition milestone, is led by TAFISA (The Association For International Sport for All), with institutional support from ISCA (International Sport and Culture Association), UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), and coordinated by Sesc São Paulo in the Americas. 

Implemented by public and private institutions in 14 Latin American countries, the campaign will feature hundreds of activities held on a single day, drawing attention to the importance of regular physical and sports activities. 

But before we can engage in Challenge Day, Sesc São Paulo will hold three meetings for the official launch of the campaign: on April 23rd at Sesc Rio Preto, 25th at Sesc Sorocaba, and 30th at Sesc Belenzinho in São Paulo. 

With the participation of Gabriela Callejas, co-founder and director of Cidade Ativa, Professor Ligia Vizeu (University of São Paulo), and researcher Beatriz Oliveira (Fiocruz/Piauí), the idea is to present the concept of Challenge Day 2024, create a space for knowledge transfer, stimulate and motivate key project stakeholders, and ensure a space for relationships between public and private organizations. 

In addition to the in-person meetings, on May 7th at 11:30 am, Sesc will hold an online meeting (access at – Meeting ID: 847 5093 7488), focusing on national and international partners but open to interested public, to present the concepts and proposals created for the 2024 edition of the campaign. 

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